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发行版发布:Symphony OS 2006-12

Symphony OS是基于Debian GNU/Linux和KNOPPIX操作系统的GNU/Linux发行。与其他Linux操作系统相比,Symphony的行为略有不同,它更易于使用,并且更加直观。

After a long, involuntary break, the Symphony OS project is back with a new development release - version 2006-12: "The Symphony OS Project is pleased to announce the release of Symphony OS 2006-12. This release, the first since May, brings more stability and enhanced features to the young desktop environment and Linux distribution. Based on Debian Testing, Symphony OS 2006-12 now includes the GNOME System Tools within its System target menu, finally providing GUI system management functions that were sorely missing from previous releases. The system also features Firefox 2, many other updated packages, and performance improvements." Read the full release announcement for more information. The Symphony OS 2006-12 CD image is available for download via BitTorrent: symphonyos-2006-12.iso (633MB).

