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debian安装好后update出现 gpgv错误


deb http://debian.cn99.com/debian sid main contrib non-free

deb-src http://debian.cn99.com/debian sid main contrib non-free

然后apt-get update


W: GPG error: http://debian.cn99.com sid Release:Unknown error executing gpgv W: you may want to run apt-get update to correct problem


1. wget http://ftp-master.debian.org/ziyi_key_2006.asc apt-key add ziyi_key_2006.asc

结果 gpg:key 2D230C5F was created 4744438 seconds in the futrue (time warp or lock problem) gpg:key 2D230C5F was created 4744438 seconds in the futrue (time warp or lock problem) gpg:key 2D230C5F no valid user IDs

网上也有朋友出现类似的问题 但是似乎没有很好的解决方案 >>> 此贴的回复 >>
那是你的产品公钥过时了 你是什么时候装的debian ,

到2006年又换新的公钥了, 升级一下公钥就可以了

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