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Red Hat公司辟谣 和Xensouce合作良好

就在前两天,一篇来自zdnet.au的报道声称,一位Red Hat的副总认为Xen虚拟技术没有办法适应企业级虚拟的重任,这不,Red Hat赶紧出来辟谣,他们和Xensource合作关系非常好。

因为在即将发布的Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0中,将包含有Xensource的软件产品,说这两者交恶,纯粹是无中生有。

为此,Redhat公司还专门发布了声明,全文如下: Red Hat would like to clarify certain press reports from Australia regarding Red Hat's position regarding Xen and XenSource.

Red Hat is firmly committed to open source virtualization, based on the open source Xen project. We believe the technology from the Xen project is one key component of a virtualization platform which will deliver significant benefits to customers, improving the economics, flexibility, and responsiveness of their IT investments, which we will deliver in the next major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Red Hat is investing agressively in the Xen project and in ensuring its readiness for the enterprise.

We have built our business delivering enterprise-ready open source solutions. Our customers expect that when we ship a product, it is ready for production use. We believe the Xen project is not currently stable enough for production deployment. We sponsor the Fedora distribution in part to deliver technology previews which are not yet ready for enterprise production deployment and we currently offer Xen technology to customers via Fedora, and have done so for nearly a year. Red Hat is investing heavily in the improvement of the Xen project, along with others in the open source community. We are encouraged by the rapid progress being made, and expect the technology to be sufficiently improved, hardened and tested so that it will soon be included in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux virtualization platform (our current estimate is approximately the end of 2006). Our commitment to the Xen community project is unwavering, as is our commitment to deliver reliable, production quality code to customers. We will ship Xen virtualization when it is fully ready for mission-critical enterprise customer deployment, but not before.

On a related point, Red Hat has made no statement regarding the products offered by XenSource, Inc. An earlier press report which asserted otherwise has been corrected.

Caroline E. Kazmierski

Red Hat, Inc. - Corporate Communications

这下你应该明白了吧,Redhat公司虽说Xen虚拟技术没有达到完美,在数据中心应用上尚欠火候,但是他们06年12月份的新产品RHEL5.0中肯定会包含。现如今,你只能在SuSE Enterprise Linux中使用Xen虚拟技术。