当前位置:Linux教程 - Linux资讯 - Xinetd在solaris8安装配置过程


  一、相关信息:  1、 说明:  xinetd取代了inetd+tcp_wrappers,并且提供了访问控制、加强的日志和资源管理功能,已经成了Internet标准超级守护进程。但是现在还没有在solaris上的完整安装配置手册,我希望写一个关于在solaris上的傻瓜安装配置手册。  2、 基本信息  服务器基本信息:Sun-Fire-280R  操作系统:SunOS 5.8 Generic_117350-02  3、 Xinetd软件信息  软件版本:2.3.10  下载地址:  FTP://ftp.sunfreeware.com/pub/freeware/sparc/8/xinetd-2.3.10-sol8-sparc-local.gz  软件包说明:该软件包已经添加了--with-libwrap、--with-loadavg、--with-inet6编译模块选项。  4、 系统默认使用xinetd的服务可以分为如下几类:  标准internet服务:telnet ftp  信息服务:finger netstat systat  邮件服务:imap imaps pop2 pop3 pops  RPC服务:rquotad rstatd rusersd sprayd walld  BSD服务:comsat exec login ntalk shell talk  内部服务:chargen daytime echo servers services time  安全服务:irc  其他服务:name tftp uUCp  5、 更多支持信息:  http://www.xinetd.org/    二、安装配置xinetd  1、安装过程  1)#gzip –d xinetd-2.3.10-sol8-sparc-local.gz  2)#pkgadd –d xinetd-2.3.10-sol8-sparc-local  没有报错的话,安装完毕。  2、xinetd软件安装后的基本信息  1)文档位置:/usr/local/doc/xinetd  里面有安装说明和配置文件文档。  2)命令位置:/usr/local/sbin/  Xinetd、xconv.pl、itox  3、配置过程:  说明:配置主要涉及俩个文件:/etc/init.d/inetsvc(需要修改)和/etc/xinetd.conf(需要生成)  1)生成/etc/xinetd.conf文件:  a) 说明:/etc/xinetd.conf这个文件是由/etc/inetd.conf文件转换生成的!主要是xinetd替代inetd以后的配置文件  b) 生成命令:  # /usr/local/sbin/xconv.pl < /etc/inetd.conf > /etc/xinetd.conf  c) 注意:  在/etc/inetd.conf里面可以事先去掉不必要的端口,如finger、login等,在/etc/xinetd.conf可以得到比较简洁的配置文。(我在转换前在/etc/inetd.conf文件里只保留了telnet和ftp)需要别的服务如ssh等可以自己添加。  2)修改/etc/init.d/inetsvc文件:  主要有俩个地方需要修改:  a) 修改一:(建议注释掉旧的配置,添加新的配置)  修改前:/usr/bin/pkill -x -u 0 'in.namedinetd'  修改后:/usr/bin/pkill -x -u 0 'in.namedxinetd'  b) 修改二:  修改前/usr/sbin/inetd -s &  修改后:/usr/local/sbin/xinetd -s &  3)测试:  停止原来的服务:# /etc/init.d/inetsvc stop  启动新的服务:# /etc/init.d/inetsvc start  检查进程:#ps –efgrep inetd  杀掉得到的进程号:#kill -9 ***  查看xinetd的进程:#ps –efgrep xinetd  显示如下xinetd配置正常:  root 158 1 0 15:41:50 ? 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/xinetd –s  备注:  Xinetd启动过程有问题,一般是/etc/xinetd.conf配置文件的原因。
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    三、用xinetd限制ssh登陆配置过程:  1、测试方法:  1)编辑/etc/xinetd.conf:  添加如下:  service ssh  {  socket_type = stream  wait = no  user = root  server = /usr/local/sbin/sshd  port = 22  server_args = -i  only_from =  }  2、测试过程:  重新启动机器,查看xinetd加载是否正常。  从内网192.0.0.109 ssh登陆服务器可以登陆为正常。  别的IP ssh登陆服务器不可以登陆为正常。  3、注意:  SSH安装以后,不用在/etc/rc2.d下面添加S99sshd,因为xinetd已经可以启动ssh进程了。否则达不到限制ip的作用。    四、备注:  安装完成以后服务器状态:  #nmap -P0  22/tcp open ssh  只留了ssh端口,而且可以限制ssh登陆的IP地址为:内网的192.0.0.109    -----------------------------------------------------  完整的/etc/init.d/inetsvc文件:  # more /etc/init.d/inetsvc  #!/sbin/sh  #  # Copyright (c) 1995, 1997-1999 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.  # All rights reserved.  #  #ident "@(#)inetsvc 1.24 99/03/21 SMI"    #  # This is third phase of TCP/IP startup/configuration. This script  # runs after the NIS/NIS+ startup script. We run things here that may  # depend on NIS/NIS+ maps.  #    case "$1" in  'start')  ;; # Fall through -- rest of script is the initialization code    'stop')  # /usr/bin/pkill -x -u 0 'in.namedinetd'  /usr/bin/pkill -x -u 0 'in.namedxinetd'  exit 0  ;;    *)  echo "Usage: $0 { start stop }"  exit 1  ;;  esac    # If boot variables are not set, set variables we use  [ -z "$_INIT_UTS_NODENAME" ] && _INIT_UTS_NODENAME=`/usr/bin/uname -n`    if [ -z "$_INIT_PREV_LEVEL" ]; then  set -- `/usr/bin/who -r`  _INIT_PREV_LEVEL="$9"  fi    #  # wait_nis  # Wait up to 5 seconds for ypbind to oBTain a binding.  #  wait_nis ()  {  for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do  server=`/usr/bin/ypwhich 2>/dev/null`  [ $? -eq 0 -a -n "$server" ] && return 0 sleep 1  done  return 1  }    #  # We now need to reset the netmask and broadcast address for our network  # interfaces. Since this may result in a name service lookup, we want to  # now wait for NIS to come up if we previously started it.  #  domain=`/usr/bin/domainname 2>/dev/null`    [ -z "$domain" ] [ ! -d /var/yp/binding/$domain ] wait_nis echo "WARNING: Timed out waiting for NIS to come up" >& 2    #  # Re-set the netmask and broadcast addr for all IP interfaces. This ifconfig  # is run here, after waiting for name services, so that "netmask +" will find  # the netmask if it lives in a NIS map. The 'D' in -auD tells ifconfig NOT to  # mess with the interface if it is under DHCP control  #  /usr/sbin/ifconfig -auD4 netmask + broadcast +    # Uncomment these lines to print complete network interface configuration  # echo "network interface configuration:"  # /usr/sbin/ifconfig -a    #  # If this machine is configured to be an Internet Domain Name System (DNS)  # server, run the name daemon. Start named prior to: route add net host,  # to avoid dns gethostbyname timout delay for nameserver during boot.  #  if [ -f /usr/sbin/in.named -a -f /etc/named.conf ]; then  echo 'starting internet domain name server.'  /usr/sbin/in.named &  fi    if [ "$_INIT_NET_STRATEGY" = "dhcp" ]; then  dnsdomain=`/sbin/dhcpinfo DNSdmain`  else  dnsdomain=  fi    if [ -n "$dnsdomain" ]; then  dnsservers=`/sbin/dhcpinfo DNSserv`  if [ -n "$dnsservers" ]; then  if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]; then  /usr/bin/rm -f /tmp/resolv.conf.$$  /usr/bin/sed -e '/^domain/d' -e '/^nameserver/d' /etc/resolv.conf >/tmp/resolv.conf.$$  fi  echo "domain $dnsdomain" >>/tmp/resolv.conf.$$  for name in $dnsservers; do  echo nameserver $name >>/tmp/resolv.conf.$$  done  else  if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]; then  /usr/bin/rm -f /tmp/resolv.conf.$$  /usr/bin/sed -e '/^domain/d' /etc/resolv.conf >/tmp/resolv.conf.$$  fi  echo "domain $dnsdomain" >>/tmp/resolv.conf.$$  fi    #  # Warning: The umask is 000 during boot, which requires eXPlicit  # setting of file permission modes when we create files.  #  /usr/bin/mv /tmp/resolv.conf.$$ /etc/resolv.conf  /usr/bin/chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf    # Add dns to the nsswitch file, if it isn't already there.  /usr/bin/rm -f /tmp/nsswitch.conf.$$  /usr/bin/awk ' $1 ~ /^hosts:/ {  n = split($0, a);  newl = a[1];  if ($0 !
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~ /dns/) {  printf("#%s # Commented out by DHCP\n", $0);  updated = 0;  for (i = 2; i ~ /dns/) {  printf("#%s # Commented out by DHCP\n", $0);  updated = 0;  for (i = 2; i