当前位置:Linux教程 - Linux资讯 - 小技巧:让你的Debia每次开机画面都不一样


 下面的代码可以让你使用lilo开机的debian机器每次的开机画面都不一样,系统每次开机自动切换一个画面。    #!/bin/bash  #  # bs_switch This script can collect all the bmp files in the Directory  # /usr/share/lilo/contrib and switch the bs_wwitch in sequence  # automatically under Debian Linux(Sarge version).  # It's written by Simon Zhan from Minqing County, China.  #  # Version @(#)bs_switch 0.8 11-May-2004 [email protected]  #  # notes: bs.lst contain all the files name in the  # /usr/share/lilo/contrib, and will delete one entry every  # rebooting the system.  # FILENAME is the file name which will replace the previous bmp.  #  # Usage: Copy this script into /etc/init.d, and make a symbolic link into  # /etc/rcS.d sUCh as follow(notice the file's permission):  # ln -s /etc/init.d/bs_switch /etc/rcS.d/S55bs_switch  # and Enjoy!    cd /usr/share/lilo/contrib  while true  do  if [ ! -f /usr/share/lilo/contrib/bs.lst ];then  echo ""  echo "**************************************"  echo "* bs.lst not exist!, now creating... *"  echo "**************************************"  echo ""  sleep 3  ls /usr/share/lilo/contrib/*.bmp > /tmp/tmp.file  sed '/debian1.bmp/d' /tmp/tmp.file > /usr/share/lilo/contrib/bs.lst  fi  FILENAME=`sed -n '1p' /usr/share/lilo/contrib/bs.lst`  sed 1d /usr/share/lilo/contrib/bs.lst > /tmp/tmp.ls  if [ ! -s /tmp/tmp.ls ];then  echo ""  echo "**********************************************"  echo "* size of the bs.lst is zero, now delete it. *"  echo "**********************************************"  echo ""  sleep 3  rm /usr/share/lilo/contrib/bs.lst  else  mv /tmp/tmp.ls /usr/share/lilo/contrib/bs.lst  fi  if [ -f $FILENAME ];then  echo ""  echo "*******************"  echo "* Ok, I found it! *"  echo "*******************"  echo ""  sleep 3  break  fi  echo ""  echo "*****************************************************************"  echo "* OOPS!, I can't find the bmp file, I have to go to the next... *"  echo "*****************************************************************"  echo ""  sleep 3  done  cp $FILENAME debian1.bmp  lilo > /dev/null 2>&1  echo ""  echo "*********************************"  echo "* Bootscreen has been switched! *"  echo "*********************************"  echo ""






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