当前位置:Linux教程 - Linux综合 - RHAS2.1下安装中文LotusDominoR6.5图解说明


  作为IBM系列产品全面支持Linux的一部分,其下的DominoServer从R5.0.2开始,也开始提供基于Linux的版本。本文将以RedHatAS2.1为例,从几个方面介绍在Linux平台上进行DominoServer的安装与配置的整个过程。另外此安装过程再Redhat 7.3 Redhat 8.0 Redhat 9.0上均通过。     一。安装前准备:   ①.RedHat AS 2.1 安装类型选择:   Installation type ---> Advanced Server   当然完全安装也行。   ②.安装好后将kernel 升级为2.6.4   ③.确保有足够的磁盘空间。和交换分区(RAM=1G ,SWAP=1G)   ④.确保没有启动httpd , sendmail 否则会和Domino 发生冲突。   ⑤.升级IBMJava-SDK 1.4 ,IBMJava-JRE 1.4   ⑥.如果把DNS配正常,也就不用下面的配置   [root@rhas3 root]# hostname   rhas3   [root@rhas3 root]# vi /etc/hosts   add line rhas3.linux.com FQDN名称 rhas3 主机名称     二安装并配置Domino Server     1.安装     创建notes用户和组,因为Domino Server 默认用户和用户组就是”notes”   目的是程序目录和数据目录归notes用户所拥有,再一个以notes用户身份运行程序再一定程度上能保证系统安全。这一点再windows系统上是少见的。     #useradd notes   #passwd notes     安装结束后,先前设置的“notes”用户帐号就可以开始发挥作用了,以下的步骤可以退出root身份, 新notes登录后进行,当然也可以不切换。   添加系统搜寻路径   #su - notes   $PATH=$PATH:/local/notesdata   或者编辑.bashrc   $vi .bashrc   add line   PATH=/local/notesdata:$PATH   #./install     ========================================================================   Domino Server Installation   ========================================================================   Welcome to the Domino Server Install Program.     Type h for help on how to use this program.   Press TAB to begin the installation.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Type h for help   Type e to exit installation   Press TAB to continue to the next screen.    Domino Server Installation   ========================================================================     In order to proceed with the installation of the Domino Server,   you must read and agree with the terms and conditions of the   Lotus Domino Software Agreement.     Press TAB to read the Lotus Domino Software Agreement.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Type e to exit the Install program.   Press ESC to return to the previous screen   Press TAB to continue to the next screen.     按TAB键继续     BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING, AccessING, OR USING THE PROGRAM YOU AGREE   TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING THESE TERMS ON BEHALF OF   ANOTHER PERSON OR A COMPANY OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT   THAT YOU HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO BIND THAT PERSON, COMPANY, OR LEGAL ENTITY TO   THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS,     - DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, COPY, ACCESS, OR USE THE PROGRAM; AND     - PROMPTLY RETURN THE PROGRAM AND PROOF OF ENTITLEMENT TO THE PARTY FROM WHOM   YOU ACQUIRED IT TO OBTAIN A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT YOU PAID. IF YOU DOWNLOADED   THE PROGRAM, CONTACT THE PARTY FROM WHOM YOU ACQUIRED IT.     "IBM" is International Business Machines Corporation or one of its   subsidiaries.     "License Information" ("LI") is a document that provides information specific   to a Program. The Program's LI is available at   http://www.ibm.com/software/sla/ . The LI may also be found in a file in the   Program's Directory, by the use of a system command, or as a booklet which   accompanies the Program.     "Program" is the following, including the original and all whole or partial   copies: 1) machine-readable instrUCtions and data, 2) components, 3)   >>> Press any key to continue <<<   ========================================================================   Domino Server Installation   ========================================================================     You may proceed with the installation only if you agree to the   terms and conditions of the Lotus Domino Software Agreement.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Type e to exit the Install program.   Press ESC to return to the previous screen.   Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.   Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------     >>> Do you agree to the terms of the license agreement ? [Yes]               按TAB键继续     The existing Program directory must be specified in order for   new Server Partitions to be created. However, existing Data   directories do not need to be listed. Any existing Data   directories that are listed will be installed to, and old templates   in those Partitions will be overwritten.     If you wish to add more than one Partition to your existing   Domino server, select "Yes" when asked if you want to run   multiple server partitions on this system. Otherwise you will   only be able to upgrade or install one Data directory.     Warning:   If you do not have an existing Domino Server on your system,   please select "No" for the option to add data directories only.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Type e to exit the Install program.   Press ESC to return to the previous screen.   Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.   Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------     >>>Do you want to install data directories only? [No ]     按TAB键继续     ========================================================================   Domino Server Installation   =======================================================================       Select the type of installation you want.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Type h for help.   Type e to exit the Install program.   Press ESC to return to the previous screen.   Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.   Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.   -----------------------------------------------------------------------     >>> Select Setup type : [Domino Enterprise Server]       按TAB键继续   ========================================================================     The optional installation feature for template files is designed for   users who are installing over a previous version of the Domino Server   and wish to keep all previous template files. If this is not an   installation over an existing Domino Server, all template files must   be installed.     Warning:   To ensure proper operation of your Domino Server, we highly   recommend installing all template files. Only select [No] if you are   an advanced user and you know that this server already has the latest   template files. The Domino Server will not run properly without the   latest templates.   -----------------------------------------------------------
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