当前位置:Linux教程 - Linux综合 - 在RH AS 3上完全编译安装BIND-9.2.3

在RH AS 3上完全编译安装BIND-9.2.3

  安装BIND9: # tar zxvf bind-9.2.3.tar.gz # cd bind-9.2.3 # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/named --disable-ipv6 # make # make install 建立BIND用户: # groupadd bind # useradd bind -g bind -d /usr/local/named -s /sbin/nologin 创建配置文件目录: # mkdir –p /usr/local/named/etc # chown bind:bind /usr/local/named/etc # chmod 700 /usr/local/named/etc 创建主要的配置文件: # vi /usr/local/named/etc/named.conf ===========================named.conf======================= acl "trust-lan" {;;}; options { Directory "/usr/local/named/etc/"; pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid"; version "0.0.0"; datasize 40M; allow-transfer { "trust-lan";}; recursion yes; allow-notify { "trust-lan"; }; allow-recursion { "trust-lan"; }; auth-nxdomain no; forwarders {;;}; }; logging { channel warning { file "/var/log/named/dns_warnings" versions 3 size 1240k; severity warning; print-category yes; print-severity yes; print-time yes; }; channel general_dns { file "/var/log/named/dns_logs" versions 3 size 1240k; severity info; print-category yes; print-severity yes; print-time yes; }; category default { warning; }; category queries { general_dns; }; }; zone "." { type hint; file "named.root"; }; zone "0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA" { type master; file "localhost"; }; zone "home.com" { type slave; file "home.com"; masters {; }; }; zone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" { type slave; file "0.168.192.in-addr"; masters {; }; }; =========================named.conf========================== # vi /usr/local/named/etc/home.com ============================ home.com ========================== $TTL 86400 $ORIGIN home.com. @ IN SOA redhat.home.com. root.home.com ( 2001111601 ; serial 28800 ; refresh 14400 ; retry 3600000 ; eXPire 86400 ; default_ttl
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) IN NS redhat.home.com. ;; -- default address - @ IN A ;; -- FreeBSD SerVer -- redhat IN A IN MX 0 redhat.home.com. IN MX 10 Linux.home.com IN HINFO "redhat as 3.0". IN TXT "The internet gateway". ;; --- WIN2K SerVer --- win2k IN A IN MX 0 win2k.home.com. IN MX 10 redhat.home.com. IN HINFO "windows 2000 server". ;; ------ cnames ------ dns IN CNAME redhat www IN CNAME redhat mail IN CNAME redhat FTP IN CNAME redhat ============================ home.com ========================== # vi /usr/local/named/etc/0.168.192.in-addr ======================== 0.168.192.in-addr ===================== $TTL 86400 @ IN SOA redhat.home.com. root.home.home.com. ( 2001111601 ; Serial 28800 ; refresh 14400 ; retry 3600000 ; expire 86400 ) ; minimum @ IN NS redhat.home.com. 1 IN PTR dns.home.com. 1 IN PTR www.home.com. 1 IN PTR mail.home.com. 1 IN PTR ftp.home.com. 10 IN PTR win2k.home.com. ======================== 0.168.192.in-addr ====================== # vi /usr/local/named/etc/localhost =========================== localhost =========================== $TTL 3600 @ IN SOA redhat.home.com. root.home.home.com. ( 20040526 ; Serial 3600 ; Refresh 900 ; Retry 3600000 ; Expire 3600 ) ; Minimum IN NS redhat.home.com. 1 IN PTR localhost.home.com. =========================== localhost =========================== 更新根区文件: # cd /usr/local/named/etc/ # wget ftp://ftp.internic.org/domain/named.root 创建PID和日志文件: # mkdir /var/run/named/
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# chmod 777 /var/run/named/ # chown bind:bind /var/run/named/ # mkdir /var/log/named/ # toUCh /var/log/named/dns_warnings # touch /var/log/named/dns_logs # chown bind:bind /var/log/named/* 生成rndc-key: # cd /usr/local/named/etc/ # ../sbin/rndc-confgen > rndc.conf 把rndc.conf中: # Use with the following in named.conf, adjusting the allow list as needed: 后面以的部分加到/usr/local/named/etc/named.conf中并去掉注释 运行测试: # /usr/local/named/sbin/named -gc /usr/local/named/etc/named.conf & 状态检查: # /usr/local/named/sbin/rndc status 建立启动脚本: # vi /etc/init.d/named ============================== named.sh============================ #!/bin/bash # # named a network name service. # # # chkconfig: 545 35 75 # description: a name server # if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ] then echo "ERROR:For bind to port 53,must run as root." exit 1 fi case "$1" in start) if [ -x /usr/local/named/sbin/named ]; then /usr/local/named/sbin/named -u bind -c /usr/local/named/etc/named.conf && echo . && echo 'BIND9 server started.' fi ;; stop) kill `cat /var/run/named/pid` && echo . && echo 'BIND9 server stopped.' ;; restart) echo . echo "Restart BIND9 server" $0 stop sleep 10 $0 start ;; *) echo "$0 start stop restart" ;; esac ===============================named.sh============================ # chmod 755 /etc/init.d/named # chown root:root /etc/init.d/named # chkconfig -add named # chkconfig named on


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kill `cat /var/run/named/pid` && echo . && echo 'BIND9 server stopped.' ;; restart) echo . echo "Restart BIND9 server" $0 stop sleep 10 $0 start ;; *) echo "$0 start stop restart" ;; esac ===============================named.sh============================ # chmod 755 /etc/init.d/named # chown root:root /etc/init.d/named # chkconfig -add named # chkconfig named on


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# chown root:root /etc/init.d/named # chkconfig -add named # chkconfig named on


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