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Shell for linux-bootdisk

  #!/bin/sh ## confirm you login use root or you prompt with help.If True ,then display help infomation; ## 确认你是否以root用户登录,或者你键入的第一个参数是 help ,为真时,显示帮助信息. if [ "$USER" != 'root' ] [ "x$1" == "xhelp" ];then clear echo " You must login use 'root' ! 你必须以root登录才可以顺利完成全部工作。 Please use : $0 install \#\# without MSDOS .OR. FAT $0 install DOS \#\# suport MSDOS FS $0 install ALLFAT\VFAT \#\# suport VFAT FS $0 nokernel \#\# without kernel but busybox $0 \#\# install with kernel and busybox 作者: 程文龙 于,长春星宇网软. 如有问题请联系 EMail:[email protected] [email protected] Editer: ChengWenlong , ChangChun Xynetsoft LTD.,COM. 2004-04-08" read exit fi #制作Linux的启动盘(软盘) #你需要准备: # 1) 内核,可以编译,也可在/boot/文件夹中找到,最好用vmlinuz的内核. # 2) busybox, 可以在http://sunsite.ulatina.ac.cr/Unix/Linux/Slackware/ # slackware-8.0/source/rootdsks/下载, # 因为软盘空间为1.44M而内核就占用近一半的空间,所以,其它的可执行程序一定要小 # ,选择busybox(静态的)执行时不需要/lib/目录下的库文件. #步骤: echo '#(一) 建软盘文件系统.' eXPort busybox='busybox-0.60.1' export linuxkernel=linux-2.4.18 export workdir='floppy-linux' ##!!! 请不要随意改动'$'变量前的直接目录,否则当目录不存在时可能破坏系统原有文件. cd /tmp/ if [ "x$1" == "xinstall" ] [ "x$1" == "xnokernel" ];then rm -rf /tmp/$workdir mkdir /tmp/$workdir cd /tmp/$workdir ## 建立必须的文件夹,并设置属性. mkdir dev etc bin proc mnt tmp chmod 755 dev etc mnt tmp ln -s /tmp var chmod 555 proc ##建立 必要的设备,tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 仅供多个虚拟终端登录时使用. cd /tmp/$workdir/dev/ #cp -aRp /dev/tty* /dev/ram* . mknod tty c 5 0 mknod tty0 c 4 0 mknod tty1 c 4 1 mknod tty2 c 4 2 mknod tty3 c 4 3 mknod tty4 c 4 4 mknod console c 5 1 mknod ram0 b 1 0 mknod ram1 b 1 1 mknod fd0 b 2 0 mknod null c 1 3 chmod 666 * fi if [ "x$1" == "xinstall" ] ;then echo '#(二)编译内核' #首先,确认你安装了内核的源文件到/usr/src/linux. if [ ! -d /usr/src/linux ];then cd /usr/src/ ln -s `uname -r` linux cd linux else cd /usr/src/linux fi ## 当你的系统已经存在原有内核时,对其进行贝份,此处没有设置自动下载内核文件的功能. if [ -f /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage ];then cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /tmp/bzImage.`uname -r`
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fi make clean make xconfig if [ "$?" != "0" ];then make config fi mv .config myconfig ##对内核进行必要的配置,使之支持虚拟内存, ##当你对此文件复制,粘贴时,要保证命令的完整, ##尤其是,cat和grep的组合及if后的条件 cat myconfig grep -v CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IN99vRD grep -v CONFIG_MODULESgrep -v CONFIG_MODVERSIONSgrep -v CONFIG_KMOD grep -v CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAMgrep -v CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IN99vRD > .config echo 'CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM=y' >> .config echo 'CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_SIZE=4096' >> .config echo 'CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IN99vRD=y' >> .config if [ "x$2" == "xDOS" ] [ "x$2" == "xdos" ] [ "x$2" == "xMSDOS" ] [ "x$2" == "xmsdos" ] [ "x$2" == "xVFAT" ] [ "x$2" == "xvfat" ] [ "x$2" == "xfat" ] [ "x$2" == "xFAT" ];then echo 'CONFIG_FAT_FS=y' >> .config echo 'CONFIG_MSDOS_FS=y' >>.config if [ "x$2" != "xDOS" ] [ "x$2" != "xdos" ] [ "x$2" != "xMSDOS" ] [ "x$2" != "xmsdos" ];then echo 'CONFIG_VFAT_FS=y' >> .config fi fi sleep 3s make dep make bzImage fi if [ "x$1" == "xinstall" ] [ "x$1" == "xnokernel" ] [ ! -f /tmp/$busybox.tgz ];then echo '#(三)编译busybox' #下载busybox的软件包 如:busybox-0.51.tar.gz #rm -rf /tmp/busybox-0.60.1.tgz ##此处,实现连网情况下从方舟公司,的共享网站下载体busybox if [ ! -f /tmp/$busybox.tgz ];then FTP -i -n ftp.arca.com.cn << END user anonymous bin cd /pub/Arca-ProdUCts/ cd 5Software/6app/ cd busybox/source/ lcd /tmp get $busybox.tgz quit END fi sleep 4s cd /tmp/ if [ -f $busybox.tgz ] ;then cp $busybox.tgz busybox.tar.gz fi tar zxvf busybox.tar.gz -C /tmp if [ -d /tmp/$busybox ];then cd /tmp/$busybox fi #编辑 Makefile ,修改 DOSTATIC = false 为DOSTATIC = true #编辑 init.c 修改 #define IN99v_SCRIPT "/etc/init.d/rcS" ##成为你所期望的脚本名称,如:/etc/rc.sysinit #编辑 Config.h 可以更改你希望保留的程序.可不改动. if [ -f Makefile ];then mv Makefile myfile cat myfile sed 's/DOSTATIC = false/DOSTATIC = true/g' > Makefile mv init.c myfile cat myfile sed 's/init.d\/rcS/sysinit/g' > init.c mv Config.h myfile # echo '#define BB_VI' > Config.h # cat myfile grep -v BB_VI >> Config.h
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make clean ;make ; ./install.sh /tmp/$workdir fi fi echo '#编辑配置文件' cd /tmp/$workdir/etc rm -rf * cat > inittab << EOF ::sysinit:/etc/sysinit ::askfirst:/bin/sh tty1::respawn:/bin/sh tty2::respawn:/bin/sh ::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot ::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r ::shutdown:/bin/swapoff -a EOF echo root::0:0:root:/:/bin/sh > passwd echo \#\!\ \/bin/sh > sysinit echo mount -n -o remount,rw / >> sysinit echo mount /proc >> sysinit # echo 'echo ChengWenlong' >> sysinit # echo 'echo Email: [email protected]' >> sysinit chmod 755 * echo /dev/ram0 / ext2 defaults 0 0 > fstab echo /proc\ /proc\ proc\ defaults 0 0 >> fstab chmod 644 fstab echo ' Make initrd file system 建立虚拟文件系统,确认,你安装了util的工具包' cd / dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/tmp_loop bs=1k count=4096 sleep 2s umount /dev/loop0 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null losetup -d /dev/loop0 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null losetup /dev/loop0 /tmp/tmp_loop sleep 2s mke2fs -m 0 /dev/loop0 sleep 2s umount /mnt > /dev/null 2>&1 mount -t ext2 /dev/loop0 /mnt > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2s if [ "x$?" != "x0" ] ; then echo " I can't mount loop0 at /mnt ........... " echo " Please exit other program which at /mnt " exit 1 fi cd /tmp/$workdir/bin ln -s busybox linuxrc cd .. rm -rf linuxrc ln -s bin/linuxrc linuxrc if [ ! -d /tmp/$workdir/sbin ];then cd sbin for var in `ls` do if [ ! -L /tmp/$workdir/bin/$var ];then cd /tmp/$workdir/bin/ ; ln -s busybox $var fi cd /tmp/$workdir/sbin/ ;rm -rf /tmp/$workdir/sbin/$var done fi cd /tmp/$workdir rm -rf /tmp/$workdir/sbin ln -s bin sbin rm -rf /mnt/* cp -aRp /tmp/$workdir/* /mnt rm -rf /mnt/lost+found ls /mnt umount /mnt losetup -d /dev/loop0 > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f /tmp/Image.gz dd if=/tmp/tmp_loop gzip -9 > /tmp/Image.gz rm -f /tmp/tmp_loop sync mkdosfs /dev/fd0 syslinux /dev/fd0 mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /


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echo " I can't mount loop0 at /mnt ........... " echo " Please exit other program which at /mnt " exit 1 fi cd /tmp/$workdir/bin ln -s busybox linuxrc cd .. rm -rf linuxrc ln -s bin/linuxrc linuxrc if [ ! -d /tmp/$workdir/sbin ];then cd sbin for var in `ls` do if [ ! -L /tmp/$workdir/bin/$var ];then cd /tmp/$workdir/bin/ ; ln -s busybox $var fi cd /tmp/$workdir/sbin/ ;rm -rf /tmp/$workdir/sbin/$var done fi cd /tmp/$workdir rm -rf /tmp/$workdir/sbin ln -s bin sbin rm -rf /mnt/* cp -aRp /tmp/$workdir/* /mnt rm -rf /mnt/lost+found ls /mnt umount /mnt losetup -d /dev/loop0 > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f /tmp/Image.gz dd if=/tmp/tmp_loop gzip -9 > /tmp/Image.gz rm -f /tmp/tmp_loop sync mkdosfs /dev/fd0 syslinux /dev/fd0 mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /


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cd /tmp/$workdir/sbin/ ;rm -rf /tmp/$workdir/sbin/$var done fi cd /tmp/$workdir rm -rf /tmp/$workdir/sbin ln -s bin sbin rm -rf /mnt/* cp -aRp /tmp/$workdir/* /mnt rm -rf /mnt/lost+found ls /mnt umount /mnt losetup -d /dev/loop0 > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f /tmp/Image.gz dd if=/tmp/tmp_loop gzip -9 > /tmp/Image.gz rm -f /tmp/tmp_loop sync mkdosfs /dev/fd0 syslinux /dev/fd0 mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /


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