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installation in Red Hat Linux (D-Link 530TXb)

    1:mkdir temp
    2:cd temp
    3:mcopy a:vialinux.tar . (copies from DOS disk to current working directory)
    (mcopy is mtools if you don have mtools,you can mount -t /dev/fd0 and use cp command)
    4.tar xvf vialinux.tar
    make clean
    make all
    to generate via-rhine.o && pci-scan.o

    6:cp via-rhine.o /lib/modules/2.2.XXX/net/via-rhine.o
    cp pci-scan.o /lib/modules/2.2.XXX/net/pci-scan.o
    7:linuxconf (run linuxconf)
    8:enter setting in the Config/Networking/Client tasks/Basic host information/
    IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Netmask: 255.255.255.xxx
    Net device: eth0
    Kernel module: via-rhine

    install in SMP Ret Hat
    1:mkdir temp
    2:cd temp
    3:mcopy a:vialinux.tar . (copies from DOS disk to current working directory)
    (mcopy is mtools if you don have mtools,you can mount -t /dev/fd0 and use cp command)
    4.tar xvf vialinux.tar
    make clean
    make smp
    to generate via-rhine.o && pci-scan.o

    6:cp via-rhine.o /lib/modules/2.2.XXX/net/via-rhine.o
    cp pci-scan.o /lib/modules/2.2.XXX/net/pci-scan.o
    7:linuxconf (run linuxconf)
    8:enter setting in the Config/Networking/Client tasks/Basic host information/
    IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Netmask: 255.255.255.xxx
    Net device: eth0
    Kernel module: via-rhine

    install for Red Hat version less than 6.0:
    1:vi /etc/conf.modules add following
    alias eth0 via-rhine
    install via-rhine insmod via-rhine

    Can install driver at boot time.
    If you can install your driver using insmod command (please install pci-scan.o
    module before via-rhine.o module), but you can install it at boot time, please
    check whether the driver is in the correct directory (ex: /lib/modules/2.2.XXX/net/),
    and check the /lib/modules/2.2.XXX/modules.dep file, it must include the following
    /lib/modules/2.2.XXX/net/via-rhine.o: /lib/modules/2.2.XXX/net/pci-scan.o

    You can insert this line using depmod command or insert it manually.
    发布人:ken 来自: