2001年9月5日,Qualys发布了一个关于基于Linux病毒的安全报警。这个病毒叫作"远程shell特洛伊木马(Remote Shell Trojan)",攻击Linux ELF格式的二进制可执行文件。它具有复制自己的能力:当被运行时,它就会感染所有/bin目录和当前目录下的所有二进制文件。除此之外,这个病毒还产生一个进程,在5503 UDP端口上监听。当这个进程收到一个特制的报文之后,就通过一个系统调用连接到源地址。
% perl remove
use strict;
sub RecursiveDeinfect($);
my $path_to_cleaner = "./kill";
my $options_to_cleaner = "";
my $verbose;
if($ARGV[0] eq "-v") { $verbose = shift; }
$_ = $ARGV[0];
if(/detect/) {
$options_to_cleaner = "1";
print "Recursively detecting trojan starting in: ", $ARGV[1] \"/", "
} elsif(/remove/) {
$options_to_cleaner = "2";
print "Recursively removing trojan starting in: ", $ARGV[1] \"/", "
} elsif(/immune/) {
$options_to_cleaner = "4";
print "Recursively making all binaries starting in: ", $ARGV[1] \"/", "immune
} else {
print "usage: $0 [-v] mode [startdir]
"where mode is one of the following:
" detect : Recursively detect trojan
" remove : Recursively remove trojan if trojan is present.
" immune : Recursively remove trojan if trojan is present.
" Make all innocent binaries immune for future infection
"The default startdir is /
RecursiveDeinfect($ARGV[1] \"/");
sub RecursiveDeinfect($) {
my $startdir = shift;
my $filename;
my $ret;
return unless(opendir(my $DH, $startdir));
print "Checking $startdir for infected binaries..
" if($verbose);
while($filename = readdir($DH)) {
next if($filename eq "." or $filename eq "..");
next if(-l "$startdir/$filename");
RecursiveDeinfect("$startdir/$filename") && next if(-d _);
next unless(-f _ && -x _);
$ret = qx($path_to_cleaner $options_to_cleaner $startdir/$filename 2>/dev/null);
if($options_to_cleaner eq "1" && $ret =~ /much alive/m) {
warn "$startdir/$filename: Trojan Detected.
} elsif($options_to_cleaner eq "2" && $ret =~ /trojan disabled/m) {
warn "$startdir/$filename: Trojan Detected and Removed
/* RST trojan manipulator program
* this is an RST-remover code, it has the following features:
* 1. Detect RST trojans on the specified executable
* 2. Disable RST on the specified binary and during that process make
* the binary immune to further infection attempts
* 3. Make an innocent, not-infected binary immune to infection attempts
/* Disable_trojan()
* disables a trojan in an infected binary, making the binary immune to
* any further infection attempts */
int Disable_trojan(FILE *fp)
unsigned int i, padding, poffset, psize, oldentry;
Elf32_Phdr textseg, dataseg;
Elf32_Ehdr ehdr;
// move to the beginning of the file
if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) goto err;
// read ELF binary header
if (fread(&ehdr, sizeof(ehdr), 1, fp) != 1) goto err;
if (ehdr.e_type != ET_EXEC) goto err;
// find text segment and data segment headers
if (fseek(fp, ehdr.e_phoff, SEEK_SET) != 0) goto err;
for (i=0;i
if (fread(&textseg, sizeof(textseg), 1, fp) != 1) goto err;
if (textseg.p_offset == 0) break;
if (fread(&dataseg, sizeof(dataseg), 1, fp) != 1) goto err;
if (textseg.p_offset != 0)
/* wtf?! no text segment ??? */
goto err;
// do calculations
padding = dataseg.p_vaddr - (textseg.p_vaddr + textseg.p_filesz);
if (padding >= 4096)
return 0; /* Sheww, binary is not infected */
psize = (textseg.p_vaddr + textseg.p_filesz) - ehdr.e_entry;
poffset = (textseg.p_offset + textseg.p_filesz) - psize;
if (psize != 4096)
return 0; /* Binary already cleaned */
// read original entry point, that according to my reverse engineering
// is stored on the parasite at offset 1
if (fseek(fp, poffset+1, SEEK_SET)!=0) goto err;
if (fread(&oldentry, 4, 1, fp) != 1) goto err;
// restore the binarys entry point to point to the real program again,
// avoiding the execution of the parasite code.
// this pernamently disables the parasite code and makes the binary immune
// to further infection attempts.
ehdr.e_entry = oldentry;
if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) goto err;
if (fwrite(&ehdr, sizeof(ehdr), 1, fp) != 1) goto err;
return 1; /* all done */
err: ;
return -1;
/* DisplayStatus()
* display the infection status of the specified binary */
int DisplayStatus(FILE *fp)
unsigned int i, padding, poffset, psize, oldentry;
Elf32_Phdr textseg, dataseg;
Elf32_Ehdr ehdr;
// move to the beginning of the file
if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) goto err1;
// read ELF binary header
if (fread(&ehdr, sizeof(ehdr), 1, fp) != 1) goto err1;
if (ehdr.e_type != ET_EXEC) goto err1;
// find text segment and data segment headers
if (fseek(fp, ehdr.e_phoff, SEEK_SET) != 0) goto err1;
for (i=0;i
if (fread(&textseg, sizeof(textseg), 1, fp) != 1) goto err1;
if (textseg.p_offset == 0) break;
if (fread(&dataseg, sizeof(dataseg), 1, fp) != 1) goto err1;
if (textseg.p_offset != 0)
/* wtf?! no text segment ??? */
goto err1;
// do calculations
padding = dataseg.p_vaddr - (textseg.p_vaddr + textseg.p_filesz);
psize = (textseg.p_vaddr + textseg.p_filesz) - ehdr.e_entry;
poffset = (textseg.p_offset + textseg.p_filesz) - psize;
printf("Estimated parasite offset : %d
printf("Binary infection status : ");
if (padding >= 4096)
printf("Not infected. not immune.
else if (psize != 4096)
printf("Trojan disabled, immune.
printf("Trojan is very much alive!
return 0;
err1: ;
return -1;
int movedata(FILE *fp, int src_offset, int dst_offset, const int size)
char data[size];
int sloc;
// save current location
sloc = ftell(fp);
// move to source offset and read data
if (fseek(fp, src_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1;
// write data to destination offset
if (fseek(fp, dst_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1;
// return to original position
return 0;
/* make_immune()
* turns an innocent binary into an uninfectable binary */
int make_immune(FILE *fp)
unsigned int i, padding, poffset, psize, oldentry;
Elf32_Phdr textseg, dataseg;
struct stat stat;
Elf32_Ehdr ehdr;
// get file status
if (fstat(fileno(fp), &stat)<0) return -1;
// move to the beginning of the file
if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1;
// read ELF binary header
if (fread(&ehdr, sizeof(ehdr), 1, fp) != 1) return -1;
if (ehdr.e_type != ET_EXEC) return -1;
// find text segment and data segment headers
if (fseek(fp, ehdr.e_phoff, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1;
for (i=0;i
if (fread(&textseg, sizeof(textseg), 1, fp) != 1) return -1;
if (textseg.p_offset == 0) break;
if (fread(&dataseg, sizeof(dataseg), 1, fp) != 1) return -1;
if (textseg.p_offset != 0)
/* wtf?! no text segment ??? */
return -1;
// do calculations
padding = dataseg.p_vaddr - (textseg.p_vaddr + textseg.p_filesz);
psize = (textseg.p_vaddr + textseg.p_filesz) - ehdr.e_entry;
poffset = textseg.p_offset + textseg.p_filesz;
if (padding < 4096)
return 0; /* Already infected or already immune */
// Update segment header table
if (fseek(fp, ehdr.e_phoff, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1;
for (i=0;i
Elf32_Phdr phdr;
if (fread(&phdr, sizeof(phdr), 1, fp) != 1) return -1;
if (phdr.p_offset >= poffset)
phdr.p_offset += 4096;
goto writedown;
if (phdr.p_offset == 0)
phdr.p_filesz += 4096;
phdr.p_memsz += 4096;
goto writedown;
writedown: ;
if (fseek(fp, -1 * sizeof(phdr), SEEK_CUR) != 0) return -1;
if (fwrite(&phdr, sizeof(phdr), 1, fp) != 1) return -1;
// update section header table
if (fseek(fp, ehdr.e_shoff, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1;
for (i=0;i
Elf32_Shdr section;
if (fread(§ion, sizeof(section), 1, fp) != 1) return -1;
if (section.sh_offset > poffset)
section.sh_offset += 4096;
if (fseek(fp, -1 * sizeof(section), SEEK_CUR) != 0) return -1;
if (fwrite(§ion,sizeof(section),1,fp) != 1) return -1;
// physically move data from (poffset->eof), 4096 bytes forward
if (movedata(fp, poffset, poffset+4096, stat.st_size - poffset) != 0)
return -1; /* Fuck! */
// all done!
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *fp;
int op;
if (argc < 3)
printf("usage: %s
printf("Available operations:
printf("1 display trojan status on the specified binary
printf("2 remove the trojan from a specified binary
printf("3 make an innocent binary immune
printf("4 remove trojan/if innocent binary then make immune
printf("5 check if trojan is currently running on the system
return -1;
op = atoi(argv[1]);
/* Run status check if operation 5 was selected */
if (op == 5)
struct flock lock;
int fd;
// try to open the trojans lockfile
if ((fd = open("/tmp/982235016-gtkrc-429249277", O_RDWR)) < 0)
printf("Trojan lockfile does not exist.
goto testok;
// try to lock the trojans lockfile
memset(&lock, 0, sizeof(lock));
lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &lock) < 0)
printf("ALERT! A Trojan remote access process is currently running!!
return 0;
printf("Trojan process is not currently running however trojan traces were discovered.
return 0;
testok: ;
printf("Trojan is not currently running on this system.
return 0;
/* Otherwise, open target binary file */
if (!(fp = fopen(argv[2], "r+b")))
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s for reading/writing (%s)
return -1;
/* Implement the rest of the operations */
case 2: /* Remove trojan */
case -1:
fprintf(stderr, "An error has occured (%s)
return -1;
case 0:
printf("%s: trojan not present
case 1:
printf("%s: trojan disabled
case 1: /* Display infection status */
case 3: /* Make an innocent binary immune */
switch (make_immune(fp))
case -1:
fprintf(stderr, "An error has occured (%s)
return -1;
case 0:
printf("%s: already immune.
return 0;
case 1:
printf("%s: binary is now immune.
case 4: /* Remove trojan and make innocent binaries immune */
case -1:
fprintf(stderr, "An error has occured (%s)
return -1;
case 0:
if (make_immune(fp) == 1)
printf("%s: trojan not present. innocent binary turned immune.
printf("%s: immune binary.
case 1:
printf("%s: trojan disabled
printf("Operation %d not implemented
return -1;
# Compiling antivirus program ##
gcc kill.c -o temp
## Making the antivirus binary immune to RST infections ##
cp temp kill ; ./temp 4 kill ; rm -f temp
## All done, run perl for RST detection, ##
## and removal options. ##
## -- anonymous research team ##
发布人:netbull 来自:LinuxAid