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; * Microsoft Confidential
; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991
; * All Rights Reserved.
; */
; Rev 1.0 ChrisP, AaronR and others. 2.0 format boot
; Rev 3.0 MarkZ PC/AT enhancements
; 2.50 in label
; Rev 3.1 MarkZ 3.1 in label due to vagaries of SYSing to IBM drive Ds
; This resulted in the BPB being off by 1. So we now trust
; 2.0 and 3.1 boot sectors and disbelieve 3.0.
; Rev 3.2 LeeAc Modify layout of extended BPB for >32M support
; Move PHYDRV to 3rd byte from end of sector
; so that it won have to be moved again
; FORMAT and SYS count on PHYDRV being in a known location
; Rev. 3.3 D.C. L. Changed Sec 9 EOT field from 15 to 18. May 29, 1986.
; Rev 3.31 MarkT The COUNT value has a bogus check (JBE????) to determine
; if weve loaded in all the sectors of IBMBIO. This will
; cause too big of a load if the sectors per track is high
; enough, causing either a stack overflow or the boot code
; to be overwritten.
; Rev 4.00 J. K. For DOS 4.00 Modified to handle the extended BPB, and
; 32 bit sector number calculation to enable the primary
; partition be started beyond 32 MB boundary.
; The ROM in the IBM PC starts the boot process by performing a hardware
; initialization and a verification of all external devices. If all goes
; well, it will then load from the boot drive the sector from track 0, head 0,
; sector 1. This sector is placed at physical address 07C00h. The initial
; registers are set up as follows: CS=DS=ES=SS=0. IP=7C00h, SP=0400H.
; The code in this sector is responsible for locating the MSDOS device drivers
; (IBMBIO) and for placing the directory sector with this information at
; physical address 00500h. After loading in this sector, it reads in the
; entirety of the BIOS at BIOSEG:0 and does a long jump to that point.
; If no BIOS/DOS pair is found an error message is displayed and the user is
; prompted to reinsert another disk. If there is a disk error during the
; process, a message is displayed and things are halted.
; At the beginning of the boot sector, there is a table which describes the
; MSDOS structure of the media. This is equivalent to the BPB with some
; additional information describing the physical layout of the driver (heads,
; tracks, sectors)
;AN000 - New for DOS Version 4.00 - J.K.
;AC000 - Changed for DOS Version 4.00 - J.K.
;AN00x - PTM number for DOS Version 4.00 - J.K.
;AN001; d52 Make the fixed positioned variable "CURHD" to be local. 7/6/87 J.K.
;AN002; d48 Change head settle at boot time. 7/7/87 J.K.
;AN003; P1820 New message SKL file 10/20/87 J.K.
;AN004; D304 New structrue of Boot record for OS2. 11/09/87 J.K.
;AN005; Changed version to 5.0 03/08/90 E.A.
;AN006; Changed to remove MSLOAD in first cluster restriction 04/23/90 J.H.
ORIGIN EQU 7C00H ; Origin of bootstrap LOADER
BIO_SEG EQU 70H ; Destingation segment of BIOS
BIO_OFFSET EQU 700H ; Offset of bios
SECTOR_SIZE EQU 512 ; Sector size in bytes
DIR_ENTRY_SIZE EQU 32 ; Size of directory entry in bytes
IBM_LOAD_SIZE EQU 3 ;J.K. Size of IBMLOAD module in sectors
; Start of BPB area of the boot record
; BUGBUG -- 7 Dec 1992 -- chuckst -- changed version back to 5.0 to
; avoid bug in PC-TOOLS DISKFIX
OsVersion DB "5.0" ; DOS version number
BytesPerSector DW SECTOR_SIZE ; Size of a physical sector
SecsPerClust DB 8 ; Sectors per allocation unit
ReservedSecs DW 1 ; Number of reserved sectors
NumFats DB 2 ; Number of fats
NumDirEntries DW 512 ; Number of direc entries
TotalSectors DW 4*17*305-1 ; Number of sectors - number of hidden
; sectors (0 when 32 bit sector number)
MediaByte DB 0F8H ; MediaByte byte
NumFatSecs DW 8 ; Number of fat sectors
SecPerTrack DW 17 ; Sectors per track
NumHeads DW 4 ; Number of drive heads
HiddenSecs DD 1 ; Number of hidden sectors
BigTotalSecs DD 0 ; 32 bit version of number of sectors
BootDrv DB 80h
CurrentHead DB 0h ; Current Head
ExtBootSig DB 41
SerialNum DD 0
VolumeLabel DB NO NAME
FatId DB FAT12
; Danger!!! If not 32 bit sector number calculation,
; FORMAT should set the value of HiddenSecsHigh and
; BigTotalSectors to 0 !!!
;Equates to allow access to
;storage where Main is now
Sec9 EQU BYTE PTR uData+0 ;11 byte diskette parm. table
BiosLow EQU WORD PTR uData+11
BiosHigh EQU WORD PTR uData+13
CurTrk EQU WORD PTR uData+15
CurSec EQU BYTE PTR uData+17
DirLow EQU WORD PTR uData+18
DirHigh EQU WORD PTR uData+20
; First thing is to reset the stack to a better and more known
; place. The ROM may change, but wed like to get the stack
; in the correct place.
cli ;Stop interrupts till stack ok
xor AX,AX
mov SS,AX ;Work in stack just below this routine
push SS
pop ES
; We copy the disk parameter table into a local area. We scan
; the table above for non-zero parameters. Any we see get
; changed to their non-zero values. We copy the disk parameter
; table into a local area (overlayed into the code)
lds SI,DWORD PTR SS:[BX] ; get address of disk table
push DS ; save original vector for possible
push SI ; restore
push SS
push BX
mov DI,OFFSET Sec9
mov CX,11
repz movsb
push ES
pop DS ; DS = ES = code = 0.
assume DS:CODE
; Set the head settle time to 15ms because we don have room
; to do a disk retry and then set sectors per from the value
; in the BPB
mov BYTE PTR [DI-2], 0fh ; Head settle time
mov CX, SecPerTrack
mov BYTE PTR [DI-7], cl ; End of Track
mov [BX+2],AX ; Place in new disk parameter
mov [BX],offset Sec9 ; table vector
; We may now turn interrupts back on. Before this, there is
; a small window when a reboot command may come in when the
; disk parameter table is garbage
sti ; Interrupts OK now
int 13h ; Reset the disk system just in case
jc CkErr ; any thing funny has happened.
; The system is now prepared for us to begin reading.
; First, determine logical sector numbers of the start of the
; directory and the start of the data area.
xor AX,AX
cmp TotalSectors,AX ; 32 bit calculation?
je Dir_Cont
mov CX,TotalSectors
mov WORD PTR BigTotalSecs,CX ; BigTotalSecs
mov AL,NumFats ;Determine sector dir starts on
mul NumFatSecs ;DX;AX
add AX,WORD PTR HiddenSecs
adc DX,WORD PTR HiddenSecs[2]
add AX,ReservedSecs
adc DX,0
; Take into account size of directory (only know number
; of directory entries)
mov AX,DIR_ENTRY_SIZE ; bytes per directory entry
mul NumDirEntries ; convert to bytes in directory
mov BX,BytesPerSector ; add in sector size
add AX,BX
dec AX ; decrement so that we round up
div BX ; convert to sector number
add [BiosLow],AX ; Start sector # of Data area
adc [BiosHigh],0
; We load in the first directory sector and examine it to
; make sure the the BIOS and DOS are the first two directory
; entries. If they are not found, the user is prompted to
; insert a new disk. The directory sector is loaded into 00500h
mov BX,DIR_OFF ; sector to go in at 00500h
mov DX,[DirHigh]
mov AX,[DirLow] ; logical sector of directory
call DoDiv ; convert to sector, track, head
jc CkErr ; Overflow? BPB must be wrong!!
mov al, 1 ; disk read 1 sector
call DoCall ; do the disk read
jb CkErr ; if errors try to recover
; Now we scan for the presence of BIOS file.
mov DI,BX
mov CX,11
mov SI,OFFSET Bio ; point to "ibmbio com"
repz cmpsb ; see if the same
jnz CkErr ; if not there advise the user
; Found the BIOS. Check the second directory entry.
; SI will already point to "MSDOS SYS" if first compare
; was successful
; There has been some recoverable error. Display a message
; and wait for a keystroke.
CkErr: mov SI,OFFSET SysMsg ; point to no system message
call Write ; and write on the screen
xor AX,AX ; wait for response
int 16h ; get character from keyboard
pop SI ; reset disk parameter table back to
pop DS ; rom
pop [SI]
pop [SI+2]
int 19h ; Continue in loop till good disk
pop ax ;adjust the stack
pop ax
pop ax
jmp short CkErr ;display message and reboot.
; We now begin to load the BIOS in.
; All we have to do is just read is multiply the BioStartClus
; by SecsPerClust to find the logical sector for the start
; of the BIOS file. When this value is added to the double
; word BiosHigh:BiosLow we get the absolute sector offset
; for the start of the file and then read the sectors
; contiguously IBM_LOAD_SIZE times. We here assume that
; IBMLOAD module is contiguous. Currently we estimate that
; IBMLOAD module will not be more than 3 sectors.
mov AX,[BX].DIR_FIRST ; AX = BIOS starting cluster
dec AX ; Subtract first 2 reserved clusters
dec AX
mov BL,SecsPerClust ; BX = Sectors per cluster
xor BH,BH
mul BX ; DX:AX = first logical sector of bios
mov BX,BIO_OFFSET ;offset of ibmbio(IBMLOAD) to be loaded.
mov CX,IBM_LOAD_SIZE ;# of sectors to read.
push AX
push DX
push CX
call DoDiv ; DX:AX = sector number.
jc Load_Failure ; Adjust stack. Show error message
mov al, 1 ; Read 1 sector at a time.
; This is to handle a case of media
; when the first sector of IBMLOAD is the
; the last sector in a track.
call DoCall ; Read the sector.
pop CX
pop DX
pop AX
jc CkErr ; Read error?
add AX,1 ; Next sector number.
adc DX,0
add BX,BytesPerSector ; Adjust buffer address.
loop Do_While
; =========================================================================
; Main read-in loop.
; ES:BX points to area to read.
; Count is the number of sectors remaining.
; BIOS$ is the next logical sector number to read
; CurrentHead is the head for this next disk request
; CurTrk is the track for this next request
; CurSec is the beginning sector number for this request
; AX is the number of sectors that we may read.
; =========================================================================
; IBMINIT requires the following input conditions:
; DL = INT 13 drive number we booted from
; CH = media byte
; IBMBIO init routine should check if the boot record is the
; extended one by looking at the extended_boot_signature.
; If it is, then should us AX;BX for the starting data sector number.
; =========================================================================
mov CH,MediaByte
mov DL,BootDrv
mov BX,[BiosLow] ; J.K.I1.Get bios sector in bx
mov AX,[BiosHigh] ; J.K.I1.
or AL,AL ;Clear the high bit
jmp Write
; Convert a logical sector into Track/sector/head.
; DX;AX has the sector number. Because of not enough space, we
; are going to use Simple 32 bit division here.
; Carry set if DX;AX is too big to handle.
cmp DX,SecPerTrack ; To prevent overflow!!!
jae DivOverFlow ; Compare high word with the divisor.
div SecPerTrack ; AX = Total tracks, DX = sector number
inc DL ; We assume SecPerTrack < 255 & DH=0
; curSec is 1-based.
mov CurSec, DL ; Save it
xor DX,DX
div NumHeads
mov CurrentHead,DL ;Also, NumHeads < 255.
mov CurTrk,AX
; =========================================================================
; Issue one read request. ES:BX have the transfer address,
; AL is the number of sectors.
; =========================================================================
mov DX,CurTrk
mov CL,6
shl DH,CL
or DH,CurSec
mov CX,DX
xchg CH,CL
mov DL, BootDrv
mov DH, CurrentHead
int 13h