Judith S. Bowman, Sandra L. Emerson and Marcy Darnovsky
The Practical SQL Handbook: Using Structured Query Language
Second Edition
ISBN 0-201-62623-3
这本书也接受了 MySQL 用户的一些建议:
Martin Gruber
Understanding SQL
ISBN 0-89588-644-8
Publisher Sybex 510 523 8233
Alameda, CA USA
Little6 Inc An online contract and job
finding site that is powered by MySQL, PHP3 and Linux.
A tool which makes it very easy to create an automatically generated table documentation.
They have used MySQL as an example.
Steve Fambro Uses MySQL
and webmerger. There is an employee database, and a license plate database with all of the
registered Utah vehicles (over 1.2 million). The License plate field is indexed.....so the
*searches* are instantaneous.
World Records A search engine for information
about music that uses MySQL and PHP.
Pluribus Pluribus, is a free search
engine that learns to improve the quality of its results over time. Pluribus works by
recording which pages a user prefers among those returned for a query. A user votes for a
page by selecting it; Pluribus then uses that knowledge to improve the quality of the
results when someone else submits the same (or similar) query. Uses PHP and MySQL.
Stopbit A technology news site using MySQL
and PHP
Old Photo Album The album is a
collaborative popular history of photography project that generates all pages from data
stored in a MySQL database. Pages are dynamically generated through a
php3 interface to the database content. Users contribute images and descriptions.
Contributed images are stored on the web server to avoid storing them in the database as
BLOBs. All other information is stored in on the shared MySQL server.