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shell - FAQ

2004-04-23 15:18 pm

1) How do i get the kernelversion ?
2) How do i get the version of the glibc ?
3) How do i get the current version of the Xserver?
4) What can i do, if the NIS domain is detected, but the home directory isn't mounted because of a missing automounter ?
5) What's going wrong, when the network card is correct installed, but i can't detect a server like the jumbo with a ping?
6) How can i set a default printer with cups on my local machine ?
7) When i try to start the OS with the grub bootmanager, i receive a message that the bootpartition could not be mounted
8) I've had the packages cups and lprng at the same time on my computer, after i've deinstalled lprng, cups doesn't work
9) How can i switch between the consoles ?
10)What's going wrong if i can't start the setup of staroffice from CD?

1) With the command uname -a
2) Change to the directory /lib and execute the file './libc.so.6' .
3) With the command XFree86 -version (doesn't work in debian).
4) You have to create the appropriate home directory. For example mkdir -p /home/fh99191 for the NIS user fh99191. After a new login it should be changed to this directory.
5) In this case the reason could be a wrong or missing configuration for the gateway. The gateway is responsible for the routing through the different subnets. In the most linux distributions the appropriate file is named route.conf and is placed in the directory /etc. For example the content of this file in a SuSE 7.2 is the following: eth0
default eth0
Behind the entry default you can find the address of the gateway. Because of the different structure of this file in another distributions, it makes no sense to clarify every detail of this file.
6) Normally the default printer is set systemwide in cups. This set printer is the default printer of every user. If you want to set your personal printer, you can execute the command lpoptions -d <PRINTER> , for example lpoptions -d xm1sof for the printer xm1sof.
7) With this error message, grub is telling us that the file system of the appropriate OS is unknown. As default there are directly support for the filesystems Ext2fs, Reiserfs, Fat16, Fat32, FFS (Fast file system) and Minix, OS with these filesystems could be load directly. OS with other unknown filesystems could be load with the option ?chain loading? . This means that their own bootlaoder is used to boot them. The entry chainloader +1 has to be added in the menu.lst of the bootmanager in the approrpiate section. More detailed information about the bootmanager grub is available in the Linuxfibel.
8) Possibly the packages which are necessary for cups are deleted with the deinstallation of lprng. To avoid these conflicts you should remove all packages for the printer. After this you have to reinstall the packages cups and cups-client.
9) In order to switch from X11 to a console you can press CTRL+ALT+F<2-6>. If you are already on a console, it is sufficient to press ALT+F<2-6>. If you want to switch again to X11, you have to press ALT+F7. The number of the console, from which you switch to X11 is reroute to console number 7.
10) If you cannot execute programs from CD, you should check, if the following entry is in the fstab:
/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0 (/dev/cdrom and /media/cdrom are the appropriate entries in SuSE, on other distributions, this could be different)
If the entry exec is missing, the executing of programs is not possible from CD.