编程技术 - 如何编程实现bin文件转化为iso文件
2004-04-23 15:18 pm来自:Linux文档
Bin2ISO, here is the source code:
#include <stdio.h>
/* G L O B A L D E F I N E S */
#define byte unsigned char
#define SIZERAW 2352
#define SIZEISO 2048
/* ///////////////////////////////////// */
int main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
byte buf[SIZERAW+100];
/* Tell them what I am. */
fprintf (stderr, "raw2iso - Converts RAW format files to ISO format - V1.0 ");
/* Input -- process -- Output */
if ( argc != 3 ) return 1;
INPUT = fopen( argv[1], "rb" );
OUTPUT = fopen( argv[2], "wb" );
memset( &buf[0], '空'', sizeof( buf ) );
while( fread( &buf[0], SIZERAW, 1, INPUT ) ) {
fwrite( &buf[0]+16, SIZEISO, 1, OUTPUT );
memset( &buf[0], '空'', sizeof( buf ) );
return 0;