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如何在 Linux 上以 majordomo 1.93 架设一个电子讨论群

         Wu Hsiao-Lung , [email protected]. 2000-11-03 14:35:56

    From: Wu Hsiao-Lung , [email protected]
    有关电子讨论群 (Mailing List)
    如何在 Linux 上以 majordomo 1.93 架设一个电子讨论群 (Mailing list)?
    (1) Sendmail version 8
    (2) Perl 4.036 to 5.001a and its libraries
    □□ (but will not work with Perl 5.001!!!)
    (3) a C compiler
    adduser majordom
    its group name is majordom too
    home directory is /usr/local/majordomo
    chmod 775 /usr/local/majordomo
    su 成 majordom, 然後 get ftp://nctuccca.edu.tw/packages/
    mail-server/majordomo/majordomo-1.93.tar.gz 到 /usr/local
    majordomo, 然後解压
    1). 修改 Makefile (usr/local/majordomo/majordomo-1.93/Makefile)
    a). W_BIN=/usr/local/majordomo(This is where the source file is.)
    b). Uncomment the POSIX section
    2). make wrapper
    (Notice : the wrapper 是用来set uid的, 所以在Makefile
    中的W_UID 与 W_GID 务必要设对!!!)
    3). make install
    4). make install-archive2
    5). make install-wrapper ( this step must be done by root)
    6). ln -s /usr/local/majordomo/majordomo.cf /etc/majordomo.cf
    7). 在$HOME(/usr/local/majordomo)下
    mkdir archives, digests, lists;
    chmod 775 archives,digests, lists;
    touch Log
    chmod 644 Log
    8). ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl
    (This step is to avoid some Perl script pointing to
    /usr/local/perl instead of /usr/bin/perl)
    9). Modify some files to avoid some known bugs
    a). request-answer
    1). near the beginning of the request-answer
    插入一行 require \"shlock.pl\";\
    2). 将所有的do_exec_sendmail改成
    3). 第41行
    exec(\"/usr/lib/sendmail\", \"-f$list-request\", \"-t\") ||
    将-f$list-request 改成 -f$list-approval
    b). resend 第348行
    &bounce(\"Approval required\");改成
    10).edit majordomo.cf
    # $whereami -- What machine am I running on?
    # Need modified
    $whereami = \"girl.ee.ntu.edu.tw\";
    # $whoami -- Who do users send requests to me as?
    $whoami = \"majordomo@$whereami\";
    # $whoami_owner -- Who is the owner of the above, in case of problems?
    $whoami_owner = \"owner-majordomo@$whereami\";
    # $homedir -- Where can I find my extra .pl files, like majordomo.pl?
    # the environment variable HOME is set by the wrapper
    $homedir = \"/usr/local/majordomo\";
    # $listdir -- Where are the mailing lists?
    $listdir = \"/usr/local/majordomo/lists\";
    # $digest_work_dir -- the parent directory for digest\s queue area
    # Each list must have a subdirectory under this directory in order for
    # digest to work. E.G. The bblisa list would use:
    # /usr/local/mail/digest/bblisa
    # as its directory.
    $digest_work_dir = \/usr/local/majordomo/digests\;
    # $log -- Where do I write my log?
    $log = \"$homedir/Log\";
    # $mailer -- What program and args do I use to send mail?
    # The variable $to can be interpolated into this command line,
    # however the $to variable is provided by the person sending mail,
    # and much mischief can be had by playing with this variable.
    # Use $to with care.
    $mailer = \"/usr/lib/sendmail -f\\$sender -t\";
    # Majordomo will look for \"get\" and \"index\" files related to $list in
    # directory \"$filedir/$list$filedir_suffix\", so set $filedir and
    # $filedir_suffix appropriately. For instance, to look in
    # /usr/local/mail/files/$list, use:
    # $filedir = \"/usr/local/mail/files\";
    # $filedir_suffix = \"\"; # empty string
    # or to look in $listdir/$list.archive, use:
    # $filedir = \"$listdir\";
    # $filedir_suffix = \".archive\";
    $filedir = \"/usr/local/majordomo/archives\";
    $filedir_suffix = \"\";
    # What command should I use to process an \"index\" request?
    $index_command = \"/bin/ls -lLG |/usr/bin/sed -e \s/^........................//\ -e \1s/.*/ SIZE DATE
    #$index_command = \"/bin/ls -lL | /usr/bin/awk \{print $5, $6, $7, $8, $9}\\";
    # If you want to use FTPMAIL, rather than local access, for file transfer
    # and access, define the following:
    # $ftpmail_address = \"[email protected]\";
    # $ftpmail_location = \"FTP.$whereami\";
    # if you want the subject of the request to be included as part of the
    # subject of the reply (useful when automatically testing, or submitting
    # multiple command sets), set $return_subject to 1.
    $return_subject = 1;
    # If you are using majordomo at the -request address, set the
    # following variable to 1. This affects the welcome message that is
    # sent to a new subscriber as well as the help text that is generated.
    $majordomo_request = 0;
    # Set the umask for the process. Used to set default file status for
    # config file.
    # Very Important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    # the safe locations for archive directories. This should be defined as
    # a series of root anchored directory paths as will be used as prefixes
    # to the file names specified to the archive2.pl script.
    @archive_dirs = ( \"/usr/local/majordomo/archives/sample\", \"/usr/spool/archive/firewalls\"
    # Set this to 1 if you want to use the experimental mechanism for allowing
    # / in user names. People with lots of X.400 addresses on their lists or
    # HP mail whatever may want to set this. However use it at your own risk.
    $analyze_slash_in_address = 0;
    # these tune the experimental matching that is done for addresses with / in
    # them. If you haven\t turned on the experimental analyze_slash_in_address
    # they are ignored. See the source for full explanation of these variables.
    # if set to 1 ignore the requirement that addresses have an @ sign in the
    # address component after the last /.
    # if set to 1 do not look for \"/c=\" and \"/ad=\" or \"/am=\" in the address.
    # X.400 seems to require these components.
    11).Edit /etc/aliases(after you edit the /etc/aliases
    you should run newaliases to make it work)
    owner-owner: postmaster
    owner-majordomo: long, nobody
    majordomo: \"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo\"
    majordom: owner-majordomo
    #Needed \"just in case\" for Majordomo version 1.9x:
    Majordomo-Owner: owner-majordomo
    nobody: /dev/null
    # Sample mailing list
    # Adding \"nobody\" prevents expansion to \"long\" under sendmail v8:
    owner-sample: long, nobody
    sample-owner: long, nobody
    #sample: \"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -p bulk -M 10000 -R -l sample -f
    sample-owner -h girl.ee.ntu.edu.tw -s sample-outgoing\"
    sample: \"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l sample -h girl.ee.ntu.edu.tw
    sample-approval: owner-sample
    sample-outgoing: :include:/usr/local/majordomo/lists/sample, sample-archive,
    \"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper digest -r -C -l sample-digest sample-digest-outgoing\"
    # For digest version list
    sample-digest: sample
    sample-digest-outgoing: \"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper request-answer sample-digest\"
    owner-sample-digest: owner-sample
    owner-sample-digest-outgoing: owner-sample
    owner-sample-digest-request: owner-sample
    sample-digest-approval: sample-approval
    # End of the digest version list
    owner-sample-outgoing: owner-sample
    sample-archive: \"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper archive -f
    /usr/local/majordomo/archives/sample/sample -m -a\"
    owner-sample-archive: owner-sample
    # For someone who may use listname-request to ask questions
    #sample-request: \"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper request-answer sample\"
    sample-request: \"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo -l sample\"
    owner-sample-request: owner-sample
    # End of listname-request version

    发布人:Crystal 来自:linux之家