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日本 Miracle Linux 公司总裁 Sato 发言

我很高兴参加 Red Flag World。并且满怀喜悦地看到三个亚洲公司的合作成果 Asianux2.0 的发表。

两年以前,红旗和 Miracle Linux 公司开始了这一创新性项目 Asianux。去年,韩国 Haansoft 公司加入 Asianux 合作。由此,Asianux 成为了名副其实地亚洲 Linux 开发的代表性项目。我们每个公司都付出了最大的努力,克服种种困难,去打造高品质的 Asianux。每当遇到困难,红旗总裁赵晓亮先生总是起着关键作用并最终克服它。在这里,我衷心感谢他对 Asianux 的杰出领导。

另外,众多周知,美国和欧洲领导着 20 世纪IT技术的发展。然而,我认为,中日韩有可能通过三个国家的紧密合作引领本世纪IT技术的发展。我相信 Asianux 能够成为实现这一梦想的种子之一。

Asianux 一直努力响应亚洲企业的需求。我相信,凭借着 Asianux2.0 的高可靠性和高性能,它将进入电信,金融,政府等各个行业应用,并由此成为事实上的亚洲 Linux 标准。

我们希望通过 Asianux,为每个国家的发展,开源社区贡献自己的力量。谢谢关注。

I am so pleased to participate Red Flag world. And also I am really happy to be able to complete Asianux 2.0 with a collaboration of three Asian company.

RedFlag and Miracle Linux Started to develop Asianux as an innovative idea’s project between China and Japan two years ago, and then Hannsoft joined Asianux last year. As a result, Asianux became a representative project of Asian Linux development with both in name and reality. We could complete Asianux while overcoming a various kind of difficulty by doing best effort of each company.

Among such a difficult circumstance, Mr. Chris Zhao always plays an important role in Asianux.

Here and now I would like to acknowledge for his leadership for Asianux.

By the way, as all of you know, America and Europe led IT technology in the 20th century. However I think that there is big possibility that CJK will leads IT technology in this century by tight three country’s collaboration. I am sure that Asianux is one of seed for a realization of such suitation.

Asianux is making effort to perfectly response Asian original requirement. So I am confident that Asianux2.0 will be real Asian Standard Linux with high reliability and high performance by using in a various kind of field such as telecommunication, financial, government, so on.

We wish to contribute the development of each country, open source community through Asianux project. Tank you for your attention.
