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FreeBSD获得Java 1.5 JDK 和二进制JRE 授权


Java 1.5 JDK and JRE binaries for FreeBSD 5.4/i386 and 6.0/i386 will be available by April 5. Watch for an announcement soon from The FreeBSD Foundation. Thank you for your patience!

The FreeBSD Foundation has negotiated a license with Sun Microsystems to distribute FreeBSD binaries for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK). These implementations have been made possible through the hard work of the BSD Java team, and contributors (particularly WorldGate Communications, Inc.) as well as through donations to the FreeBSD Foundation that supported hardware, developer time, testing resources, and license negotiation.

Support Information

For more information on using Java with FreeBSD, see the FreeBSD Java Project web page, or contact the FreeBSD Java mailing list. This page includes information on frequently asked questions, release errata, etc.

FreeBSD基金会发布jdk 1.5 for FreeBSD 5.4/6.0二进制版本

下载请到 http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/downloads/java.shtml