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  Xandros CEO Andreas Typaldos最近就该公司和微软达成的技术和市场合作协议发表了看法,他认为这次Linux发行版厂商和微软公司的合作有助于提高Linux的市场占有率,而且是的用户更多的接触到更先进的技术理念,而且不用再惧怕来自微软的法律制裁的威胁。

  最近的合作行为,被一致认为是对开源社区的出卖,对此,Xandros CEO Andreas不得不就此事发布自己的看法。他说,我们在不断努力,为了是的Linux服务器和Windwos操作系统之间能够兼容的更好,这次合作使得我们的工作更进了一步,而且不仅仅是在桌面系统上。在周一公布的合作计划中,Xandros和微软将就市场和技术方面达成一系列的合作推广协议,另外,Xandros公司将开发连接Linux操作系统和微软操作系统中系统管理中心的应用程序,这样就使得那些混合部署环境中的IT部门轻松了很多。

  Xandros CEO Andreas Typaldos said his company's technical and marketing agreement with Microsoft will help increase Linux adoption rates because users will have access to improved technology and won't have to fear lawsuits from Redmond.

  "What's good for adoption rates is good for Linux," Typaldos said in an interview.

  Responding to criticism that tie-ups between Linux distributors and Microsoft amount to a sellout of the open source community, Typaldos said Linux users can actually benefit from such arrangements.

  "We're working toward interoperability" between Microsoft systems and Xandros' Linux-based server products, said Typaldos. "This agreement goes well beyond the desktop."

  Under a deal announced Monday, Xandros and Microsoft agreed to a broad set of joint technology and marketing initiatives. Among other things, the companies plan to develop software that will link Xandros' System Management tools with Microsoft's System Center -- with an eye to giving IT departments an easier way to manage heterogeneous environments.

  Xandros also plans to license a set of Microsoft server communication protocols in order to make its Linux offerings more Windows friendly.

  Under the most controversial aspect of the deal, Microsoft will extend "patent covenants" to Xandros' Linux customers, waving its right to sue them for using what the company claims is Microsoft technology embedded in Linux. "For users, it's a way of saying that if sparks fly between Linux and Microsoft, they have insurance," said Typaldos.

  Microsoft struck a similar agreement with Linux distributor Novell in November.

  The Linux community disputes the claim that the operating system, or other open source software, violates Microsoft patents. In response to the Novell pact, the group that governs open source licensing is in the process of adding provisions to a widely used license that would prohibit Linux distributors from striking patent-protection deals with commercial developers.

  Under the third version of the General Public License, expected to be published in final form this month by the Free Software Foundation, all such deals that were not inked by March 28 are forbidden. As a result, it would appear that Xandros will not be allowed to distribute open source code licensed under GPLv3 because of its relationship with Microsoft. Typaldos said he's not concerned. "If you are a businessperson, you can't worry about every eventuality."