INSTALLATION Use the right boot disk for the installation: boot.img - Standard installation bootnet.img - Network installation pcmcia.img - PCMCIA required installation Install LILO in an appropriate location: MBR - If LILO will be the default bootloader First partition of boot sector - If you're using another OS bootloader Linux FILESYSTEM The root filesystem is made up of 12 Directories by default: /bin /home /proc /dev /opt /usr /etc /lost+found /var /sbin /mnt /usr/local KERNEL COMPILING Three options are available for configuring a kernel: make config make menUConfig make xconfig There are two types of kernel images: zlmage (small kernel images) bzlmage (compressed kernel images) The seven steps for compiling a kernel are: make configuration (makeconfig, make menuconfig, or make xconfig) make dep make clean make bzlmage (or zlmage) make modules make modules_install configure LILO and reboot Three shorter steps for compiling a kernel are: make configuration (make config, make menuconfig, or make xconfig) make dep clean bzlmage modules modules_install configure LILO and reboot X WINDOW SYSTEM Three X configuration tools are: Xconfigurator XF86Setup xf86config APACHE The main configuration directory is /etc/httpd/conf/. The main Apache configuration file is httpd.conf, used for httpd server configuration. To configure a virtual host, follow these steps: Set NameVirtualHost (NameVirtualHost Set VirtualHost (). Set DocumentRoot. Set ServerName. Set ErrorLog. Set TransferLog. Close VirtualHost (). Restart httpd (/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart). EMAIL There are three components of email: MTA - Mail transfer agent (sendmail) MDA - Mail delivery agent (procmail) MUA - Mail user agent (Pine, Elm, Mutt, Netscape) DNS/BIND To configure a domain, follow these steps: Set up a zone in /etc/named.conf. Set up a forward zone file ( Set up a reverse zone file ( Restart DNS (/etc/rd.d/init.d/named restart). FTP To configure FTP, you need these files: /etc / ftpAccess - For ftpd configuration /etc / ftpusers - For user access control /etc / ftphost - For host access control SAMBA Files used with SMB are: /etc / - Main configuration file /etc / smbpasswd - PassWord configuration file To set up an SMB share, follow these steps: Add share to /etc/smb.conf. Use testparm to test /etc/smb.conf syntax. Restart SMB (/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart). Access SMB share (smbclient). DHCP To configure a DHCP server, follow these steps: Check for MULTICAST (ifconfig). Add route (route). Start DHCP (/etc/rd.c/init.d/dhcpd start). Verify DHCP service ( /usr/sbin/dhcpd -d -f ). Configure /etc/dhcpd.conf. INETD To enable or disable network services controlled by inetd, you edit the /etc/inetd.conf file. TCP_WRAPPERS Controls access to only those services managed by inetd. To specify access rules, edit: /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny ROUTING To set up network and routing services, use these tools: Use route tp sipw pr cpmfogire the IP routing table. Use netstat to display network connections, routing tables and interface information. Use netcfg to configure network information, routing, host information, default servers, and interface connections. Use ifconfig to configure a network interface. IPCHAINS The default chains are: input - Controls incoming connections output - Controls outgoing connections forward - Forwards connections DEBUGGING To debug your machine, follow these steps: Boot your machine. Decide whether you can fix the machine as is, whether you need to boot the system into single-user mode, or whether you need to use system rescue disks. OBTain a set of boot disks. Boot the machine with a floppy disk (or boot into single-user (linux single) mode as determined by step a). Check your filesystem. (fsck) Mount your filesystems. (mount) First mount your root partition. Then mount any other filesystems under your root (/) partition. (mount /dev/hda5/ /mnt/harddrive) Fix the problem. Check to see if you need to restart LILO. (lilo, or lilo -r) Sync any changes to the disk. (sync) Unmount any manually mounted filesystems. (umount) Remove any floppies, CDs, and so on, and reboot (Ctrl+Alt+Del).
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