当前位置:Linux教程 - Linux文化 - Sun联合EnterpriseDB提供PostgreSQL产品支持


日前,EnterpriseDB公司和Sun公司达成协议,将为Sun公司Solaris用户的PostgreSQL产品提供服务。Sun公司一直都想为其Solaris平台下的PostfreSQL提供技术支持服务。而成立于1年前的EnterpriseDB公司,主要是为PostgreSQL用户提供高端商业支持服务,比如使得PostgreSQL兼容Oracle数据库产品等,这次它和Sun公司的强强联手,PostgreSQL用户可谓有福了。 EnterpriseDB, which has built an Oracle-compatible edition of PostgreSQL, will offer support to Sun's Solaris customers Sun has signed a deal with EnterpriseDB to provide support to Sun customers running the PostgreSQL database, EnterpriseDB said on Monday.

Late last year, Sun said that it intended to provide support services around PostgreSQL database to customers running the open source database on Sun's Solaris servers. EnterpriseDB, which launched about a year ago, has built an Oracle-compatible edition of PostgreSQL and contributes to the open source project. The partnership calls for EnterpriseDB to field more difficult support questions, rather than more routine queries, through Sun, said EnterpriseDB CEO Andy Astor. EnterpriseDB could potentially offer support services directly to Sun customers, he added.